StockholmSubwaystoRy #67 – Abrahamsberg
09.04.2017The time goes on and yet another Sunday is upon us. This means we are ready to present you Abrahamsberg, our 67th entry in the Stockholm Subway stoRy.
Today’s station is situated in the western part of Stockholm in a district with the same name. Abrahamsberg was opened in October 1952, but before this a tram line was passing nearby since 1944. This station is situated at 10 km away from Slussen.
Nowadays Abrahamsberg serves the T17 and T19 green lines in the Stockholm subway system. It’s an elevated station on an island platform and it has two tracks alongside it. The next station westbound is Brommaplan, while eastbound comes Stora mossen.
The artistic decorations here were designed by Rigmor Roxner in 1999. They consist of glazed tiles inspired by other tiles used in the stations made in the 1950s. The color used there in combination with the sunlight shows an effect which allows different variations of gray during a day. You can see them in the ticket hall and in the stairwells.
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Text and photos: Ionut @ stoRy touRs