StockholmSubwaystoRy #18 – Slussen
01.05.2016Slussen is one of the most popular subway station in the city. Placed in Södermlam, trains from both green and red line pass through it and together with the nearby bus terminal and railway station are transforming it into a vital point in the Stockholm subway system.
The hub is visited by more than 138.000 people every day on weekdays, being the busiest place in the subway system after T-Centralen. The station was opened in 1933 as a tram station and in 1950 as part of the first subway line in the city. It was rebuilt in 1957 with new connections added to it.
The artistic touches were introduced at Slussen with the 1960s. At the platform level, Aston Forsberg made in 1964 an iron grill between the tracks. In the southern ticket hall Aston and Birger Forsberg made the piece of art called “Entrance Fee 70 öre”, installed in 1966. Further within the station, Sune Fodge decorated the pedestrian passage, calling it “Upandwon”.
Pictures joined the commercials along the tracks later on, while in 1983 Harald Lyth made a glass painting, called “Derailed”, which was installed in the other ticket hall after a competition. In 1987, Gun Gordillo built a noise-canceling wall towards the bus terminal. The station suffered some rebuilding in the 1990s and the design along the tracks was done by Bengt Rafael Sundberg.
Slussen is clearly one of the busiest and common station in a Stockholmer’s life. The station suffered various changes in time and there are still various redevelopment plans with the station and the area around it; it will most probably be redesigned in the near future again.
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Photo and text: Ionut @ stoRy touRs.