StockholmSubwaystoRy #61 – Extra material
26.02.2017The month of the year is almost over now. But before leaving us, February brings one more entry in your Stockholm Subway StoRy. Today, we are showing you some extra wonderful materials involving the Stockholm subway.
First, if you’ve followed our stoRy so far, you are truly interested in the magnificent subway system of the Swedish capital. Therefore, we do recommend that you check out the colorful guide prepared by Expedia. You can access it here.
Also, VisitStockholm is putting here what they see as the must-visit stations in the Swedish subway. To be honest, we have agree with them! Make sure not to miss these highlights while you visit Stockholm.
Finally, before ending our compact list of suggestions, we suggest that you check out this time-lapse of the Stockholm subway made by Keisari Spontaanius. Stunning!
For even more articles on this great subject, check out entries from Forbes and The Guardian.
Follow our updates on the project’s Facebook page (Stockholm Subway StoRy) and check out our blog every Sunday for a new post regarding the Stockholm subway. Be a part of the StoRy!
Text: Ionut @ stoRy touRs
Photo: VisitStockholm