StockholmSubwaystoRy #4 – Mörby Centrum
24.01.2016Mörby Centrum is one of the end stations of the red line in the Stockholm subway system. The station was opened in 1978 and is placed under the shopping mall with the same name.
The station was designed by Karin Ek and Gösta Wessel. They used the shadow painting technique to give an interesting perspective to the traveler. From one side the station looks all white and pink, while from the other side the station seems to be grey-blue and white.
The artists said that they have got this idea from the unique characteristics of the rock in the station. The walls are decorated here and there with pictures showing the different methods of working with rock underground.
By this Ek and Wessel want to point out that the station is changing over time, as the people who use it. Therefor the stoRy is continued by each of us, through our daily perspective, which in Mörby Centrum differs every time we change our standing point.
Photos: I.P. @ stoRy touRs