The Old Town Christmas Market and #Stockholmsjul – Get into the Christmas spirit for free!
17.11.2016We passed now the middle of November. This means, at least in this part of the World, that the Christmas season is nearby. Therefore, the city of Stockholm and its many vendors are getting ready for the holiday season. Here are some suggestions for things you can do for free in order to get into the Christmas spirit – starting already with this weekend!
This being said, let’s have a look at two seasonal events taking place starting with the coming weekend. We are talking here about the Old Town Christmas Market and the #Stockholmsjul.
The Old Town Christmas Market takes places every year in Stortorget, the main square of the Old Town (Gamla Stan). This traditional market is a must on your Christmas visit to Scandinavia. The small red houses around the Christmas tree will be offering traditional Swedish food, other culinary delights and handmade gifts for your loved ones.
The Christmas Market official opens on Saturday, the 19th of November and will be open every day from 11.00 to 18.00 until the 23rd of December. Even more information regarding this can be found on the official website, here.
#Stockholmsjul is the project through which the City of Stockholm and City i Samverkan are preparing the city for the winter holidays by decorating with lights and ornaments 35 streets, places and squares around town.
The inauguration of this year’s lights will take place Saturday, the 19th of November, at 14.30 by the moose at Nybroplan. You will be welcome by classical Christmas music, glögg and gingerbread. Also, there will be details regarding the light walk – specific routes which one can take in order to better enjoy the decorations in Stockholm! Even more information and pictures are available here.
Enjoy the Christmas in Sweden at its fullest by joining our own Stockholm Christmas stoRy Walking Tour. A complete description of the tour and tickets are available here.
Text and photo: Ionut @ stoRy touRs