StockholmSubwaystoRy #33 – Husby
14.08.2016Another week passed by and that means it’s time for a new entry in our Stockholm Subway StoRy! This time around, we are going to talk about Husby, our 33rd stoRy in this project!
The station was opened in the summer of 1977 and it’s situated in the district with the same name, in the north western part of Stockholm. Husby serves the blue line in the subway system and it’s the second to last station in the northern end of T11 line.
Husby is not one of the most busiest metro stations in the city. Even so, more than 6.000 people visit it on a regular working day. The station is placed 27 meters underground and has one platform and two tracks.
The artwork here is made by Birgit Broms. The summer feeling in the cave is given by the yellowish color of the walls. Also, there are many archipelago motifs to be found along the tracks. Paintings of archipelago boats and scenes from the sea cover the walls. Iconic boats like Waxholm, Sandhams or Norrskär are represented.
In 1993, Helen Sandberg also contributed to the art here. She consulted Broms and added transparent blocks into the walls. By approaching them one would see that they are a representation of various red roses.
Follow here our previous entries in Stockholm Subway stoRy. And visit our blog every Sunday for a new entry in the project which presents you the Stockholm’s underground.
Text and photos: Ionut @ stoRy touRs